Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Gay Art

-          Identity is a hybrid which is constantly in negotiation

-          Why choose the trait of sexuality to define work?

-          Choosing different aspects of identity to become a definition, gay art, black art, feminist art, vegetarian art? Middle class art? Size 9 shoe art? Where would you begin to draw lines?

-          Straight people making homoerotic art (Steve McQueen)

-          If an artist is gay and black is it gay or black art? Which trait is more dominant?

-          Is all art white and male?  Is everything else a deviation?

-          Is art merely depiction or organic and from experience? 
      Does the origin of the art change the viewers perception?- Imagine Mapplethorpe’s work, would you see it differently if it was created by a 70 year old woman- would it still be gay art? Or if Nan Goldin’s work was staged by a hetronormative man.

-          Is art created inside out or visa versa?

-          The Political

-          If political it is still necessary

-          Is it mere wording? – Gay Art – Political Art due to homosexual themes

-          Definitions-Expectation-Audience

-          The notion of being too gay, overpowering gay themes. Overpowering heterosexual themes? Romeo and Juliet? Macbeth? Beauty and the Beast?

-          The notion of QUEER

-          Queer as identity/aesthetic/outlook not just sexuality

-          Is the work of Emin Queer? Monet? Marina Abramovic? – Is commercial art Queer? – The existence of the genre

-          What makes a piece gay/queer, the artist? the subject? the medium?

Artists: Tracey Emin, Nan Goldin, Robert Mapplethorpe, Goodyn Green, Corinne Day, Raphael Perez
These artists are gay, straight, queer, black, white etc. etc. etc.
Could you define these works into categories under titles of race and sexuality?

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