Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Louise Bourgeois, The Fabric Works

Louise Bourgeois
The Fabric Works – Hauser and Writh,  London,
Curated by Germano Celant

The works of Bourgeois are spread between the two Savile Row galleries of Hauser and Writh, London. The first gallery has the focal point of a large scale signature spider sculpture and the fabric works are then balanced neatly in a circular form along the walls allowing space to slowly absorb the work. The second gallery provides more rhythm to the pieces allowing atmospheres to be contained into certain rooms and spaces. The work varies immensely from sculpture to the initial concept of the fabric drawings, to their evolution and thus more complex pieces. This work is not merely a beautiful aesthetic but layered with conceptualism.

Bourgeois’ material choice and colour is quite hetronormative which allows us to easily and immediately be drawn into conversation. The material choice is perfect, creating sensual pieces, contrasting soft upon hard, fragile upon strong and vice versa.

Untitled 2006, (Fabric and Fabric collage) sees a pale blue carpet fabric behind 4 pieces of nylon which have undergone a process not unlike shibori. This piece firstly provokes you with its sensuality, whispering gentle tones of masculinity whilst being focused upon the femininity of the ‘shiboried’ material exhibiting gender, a repeating concept in Bourgeois work.

Her webbed pieces slowly allow you to begin to relate to the giant ‘Crouching Spider’ which is an overwhelming, giant crouching spider sculpture. This piece is not only impressive in its size (270.5 x 835.6 x 627.3cm / 106 ½x 329x247in) but in its sheer ability to be free standing. Made from steel the piece is an amazing sculpture and beside these pieces begins to articulate, is this spider the creator of these pieces? The nucleus of these emotions? Simply a concept? Or a protector?

The webbed fabric pieces are tight and intricate. The webs follow complex linear design with the starting point varying from fabric to roses.

Her ‘Spiral’ works are similar to her ‘Web’ pieces continuing with the linear patterns but with more juxtapose positioning.

Untitled 2006- (Fabric with ink and fabric collage) shows a spiral contrasting with a vertical linear background. The spiral is made up of small pieces of fabric each with a line drawn down the middle with ink and then sewed together to create this rough, fragile piece. This aesthetic continues within the spiral works.

Along with the Crouching Spider, ‘Bullet Hole’, another 3D piece is also present in Gallery 1. Bullet Hole is an enclosure built from wooden panels, some being doors bearing glass allowing the viewer to look inside along with a slight opening, the wood also has text welded across the back of two of the panels loudly asking ‘ What makes your world go round?’. Inside of the structure sits three pale circular like but broken and quite disfigured shapes.

The 3D work continues into gallery 2 with ‘Peaux de Lapins, Chiffons Ferrailles Á Vendre’, a mesh cage occupied with shapes on chains suggesting human figures. Off centre sits a gravity defying sculpture of pastel marble with a ring of fur hanging on the top, this sculpture within the instillation could stand independent as a work of its own as it exceedingly executes sensuality, the textures are contrasting yet complement each other beautifully. In a side room hangs a headless human figure. The figure is made from fabric and hangs in an organic form as the chain is strapped to the figures torso the figure lies back loosely with arms and legs freely hanging. Although headless the figure has a penis which reiterates notions of sexuality, another reoccurring theme in Bourgeois work.

The final Sculpture in the exhibition ‘Conscious and Unconscious’ strikes a charismatic presence alongside the gridded fabric works that share the same space. Once you examine the mere complex aesthetic of the pin cushion with needles and thread attached and then the pale singular fabric sculpture which is a product of the needles and thread you begin to ask which is which? Has the outcome outweighed the creator? It is almost Kantian, questioning consequentialism.

This collection of Bourgeois work is outstanding. The evolution of her work, the interruptions with her 3D pieces, the conclusion with ‘Conscious and Unconscious’ all fit together harmoniously and are perfectly executed.

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